Branch Civil is proud to announce the award of Roads & Bridges 2021 Top 10 Roads for the Harvey Parkway extension in Kinston, North Carolina. This nationally recognized honor picks ten roads a year based on project challenges, the impact to the region, and the scope of work. Roads & Bridges named Harvey Parkway #8 in their list, for the value of connecting communities in this region to allow for further economic development.

Improved Connectivity: The C.F. Harvey Parkway provides improved connectivity to residents and businesses in the Lenoir County area, including the NCGTP. This 2,500-acre multi-modal industrial mega-park is home to more than 1,400 jobs. With workers commuting to the park from 21 counties, the NCGTP is a prominent regional economic engine for Eastern North Carolina. Other areas benefiting from the Project include the communities of Kinston and Greenville, US 70 Industrial Park, and East Carolina University Medical Center.
Project Overview
We delivered the C.F. Harvey Parkway Extension Project to the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) under budget and 209 days ahead of schedule on February 4, 2021. The 5.8-mile limited access highway Project from NC 58 to NC 11 comprised of:
- Seven sets of dual bridges (14 bridges total)
- Approximately 3,800,000 cubic yards of borrow
- 43,000 cubic yards of undercut excavation
- 32,000 linear feet of storm drain piping; and 250,000 tons of asphalt.
- Community Value
This Project improves connectivity in northern Kinston between US 70, NC 58, and NC 11. Adjacent regional and area activity centers that benefit from this Project include the North Carolina Global TransPark (NCGTP), the US 70 Industrial Park, and industrial facilities along NC 11. Particular points of interest northeast of Kinston include Greenville, East Carolina University Medical Center, and other communities. To ensure future development advances the long-term goals for the area, Lenoir County created an area plan around the new Parkway to increase interest in this part of the County.
Our approach to engage and use locally-owned businesses and local labor during construction includes much of the same commitments that have resulted in our other successful projects for NCDOT. Our team remained dedicated to welcoming the area’s residents into our workforce during the construction of this critical roadway. More than 100 people were on the Project at the height of construction, many from Lenoir County. Our team also exceeded the NCDOT mandated Disadvantaged Business Enterprise requirement by hosting outreach events to make the community aware of job opportunities.
Project Challenges
Bridge Construction over Extensive Wetlands
Construction took place in a low-lying location with nine environmentally sensitive areas (ESAs), presenting challenges relating to stormwater runoff. Construction included six multi-span bridges and eight single-span structures to allow the bypass to bridge over existing infrastructure and wetlands. Because of the aggressive deadline put forth for the early completion, scheduling was important. Multiple bridge crews were required to accommodate simultaneous bridge construction in several locations, which necessitated extensive coordination. Branch actively partnered with NCDOT and provided dedicated crews to inspect and address concerns in ESAs.

Bridge Construction over Numerous Wetlands: Construction of the C.F. Harvey Parkway included seven sets of dual-span bridges over nine environmentally sensitive areas. Despite these challenges and the accelerated schedule, our team maintained a flawless record of no Notice of Violations or Immediate Corrective Actions during construction.
Branch teamed with Sanford Contracting, Inc. (Sanford) to ensure that the Project was staffed with experienced bridge teams to complete all 14 structures in 27 months. Our team devised a strategy that allowed us to finish these structures in just 17 months, ten months ahead of schedule, including working six days a week on the Project’s bridges. Sanford was also able to transfer key personnel from the neighboring Greenville Bypass directly.
Despite all environmental challenges, the team maintained a flawless record of no Notice of Violations or Immediate Corrective Actions.
Locating 3.5 Million CY of Borrow
in a Coastal Plain Setting
All borrow material had to be identified, tested, and obtained from off-site sources for the 3,800,000 CY of earthmoving. In addition, the team completed a rigorous approval process for the reclamation plan. Our team implemented a thorough permitting process and coordinated all aspects of the reclamation plan. The team developed three separate borrow sources and procured them from one local commercial mine.

Construction Requiring Extensive Borrow: The C.F. Harvey Parkway project required a total of 3.8 million cubic yards of borrow material and 43,000 cubic yards of undercut excavation.
Hauling posed several challenges for the team. All materials had to be hauled using on-road dump trucks to avoid environmental impacts. Our team intentionally chose borrow pits to have the least amount of impact on the area’s residents. Branch also chose transport routes from the east and west to minimize impacts to ESAs. Physical constraints for hauling meant that our strategic selection of multiple borrow sources accelerated grading work.
Responding to NCDOT Supplemental Agreement 2.2
In November 2018, NCDOT issued Supplemental Agreement 2.2, which established an early completion incentive/disincentive on the Project. Our team committed to completing the Project early by utilizing well-established relationships with proven subcontractors, including the following key team members who were instrumental to our success on this Project:
Barnhill Contracting Company | Asphalt Paving Activities
In the original contract, NCDOT required the use of a stone base option. Our team entered into an agreement with NCDOT to advance construction. As part of this agreement, our team switched to full depth asphalt to accelerate the schedule to help achieve early completion. Barnhill committed to providing adequate paving crews to meet the schedule. Their ability to perform all of the Project’s paving expediently was instrumental to an early completion.
Sanford was responsible for constructing all of the Project’s 14 bridges, including six multi-span bridges and eight single-span structures. Scheduling was critical to this Project due to the aggressive schedule set forth for the early completion. This required significant coordination of having multiple bridge fills “up” to accommodate simultaneous bridge construction in several locations. Sanford staffed the Project with four of their most experienced bridge crews and completed all 14 structures within 27 months.
Construction to extend Harvey Parkway began in 2018. While heavy rains and flooding from Hurricane Florence delayed the start of critical construction activities, our team completed the Project 209 days earlier than planned and received an incentive bonus from NCDOT.
Safety Performance
Branch’s award-winning corporate and project-specific safety programs meet and often exceed OSHA requirements. These programs distinguish Branch from other companies and are supported by safety evaluations, incident/near-miss investigations, and OSHA staff instructors.
In addition to our well-established compliance and training efforts, Branch Civil actively involves employees in the safety process through safety incentives and an Employee Safety Committee. Incentives include the Safety Pays program that rewards employees for their performance on safety inspections, not injuries. In addition, employees are offered a cash incentive simply for reporting a near miss or safety concern. Finally, Branch sponsors an annual safety awareness month promotion that utilizes incentives and luncheons to emphasize safety during May. Through training, compliance, and employee participation, Branch Civil has become a leader in the safety field.

C.F. Harvey Parkway Dual Bridges CONSTRUCTION BEFORE AND AFTER: The above photos demonstrate conditions while one set of the Project’s bridges were under construction (left) and completed (right). Branch worked exclusively with subconsultant, Sanford Contracting, Inc., to perform accelerated construction of all of the Project’s bridges.
Project Management Success
Branch planned this Project meticulously, which was reflected in the finished product and its early completion. Below are several examples of successful partnering activities with NCDOT.
Responding to COVID-19
The introduction of COVID-19 into our daily work routine compounded the Project’s safety challenges. Our team remained vigilant in creating a safe work environment for workers and visitors to the Project site throughout construction. Throughout construction, our team implemented and followed Branch’s COVID-19 Exposure Prevention, Preparedness, and Response Plan (EPPRP).
Our team worked hand-in-hand with NCDOT to adjust our work processes to meet the COVID-19 requirements. Activities included creating a paperless method for material tracking and reports to lessen the impacts of COVID-19 and holding outside meetings.
Utility Challenges
While the original scope of work did not include wet utilities, it was discovered that 700-feet of an existing 20-inch water main conflicted with the bridge abutments adjacent to Highway 58. Rather than allowing the utility’s relocation to delay the Project, our team partnered with NCDOT to reach an agreement to perform the relocation under our contract. This change added more than $500,000 to the contract, but it allowed the Project schedule to stay on track and the waterline to remain operational.