Exit 150 at Troutville

Safety Revolves around Troutville’s Roundabout Project

Botetourt County, VA



$18.1 M

General Contractor

Branch Civil is serving as the General Contractor for this three-phase project in Troutville, VA. Phase I is finished and saw the completion of the new Gateway Crossing, the Crossing’s new intersection with Route 220A including turn lanes and traffic signals, the construction of a portion of a new roundabout and the majority of a new northbound 150B off-ramp, widening of Route 11 as well as the construction of a new frontage road along Route 11.

The roundabout is the highlight of this comprehensive project, and as with most diverging diamond interchanges, it’s expected to significantly reduce vehicle crash and injury rates. The geometry of this roundabout is designed to more safely accommodate heavy truck traffic.

When all phases of this project are complete, the traveling public will enjoy a dedicated Exit 150B northbound off-ramp with northbound US 220 that will accommodate heavy traffic.  A new northbound I-81 on-ramp will provide safer access, and modifying Exit 150A will allow right turns onto US 11 and eliminate a hazardous merge.

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